
Thursday 12 December 2013

Differences Between a Pitot Tube And a Static Pressure Tube

One of the questions I get asked a lot from those who are new to airflow measurement is in regards to the differences between a Pitot tube and a static pressure tip. When I first started learning to measure pressures and airflow, this question was at the top of my list too. Depending on where I looked, there wasn’t a lot of information on this subject. This led to a lot of unanswered questions on my end. It’s my hope that if you have some of the same questions that I did, you’ll have a better understanding of the differences and similarities of these two pressure measuring accessories by the end of this entry.
The Static Pressure Tip
The static pressure tip is going to be the most common accessory used for measuring static pressure in an HVAC system. They are typically 4 inches long (depending on the manufacturer) and have a magnetic base to keep the tip from falling out of a duct system once it has been inserted. Pay special attention to the magnet as it falls off the base of the tip easily unless it’s permanently attached.
Static Pressure Tip
The end of the static pressure tip is completely closed off ensuring the accessory only picks up a static pressure reading. This pressure reading is obtained through four small openings drilled into the sides of the static pressure tip. When measuring, the end of the static pressure tip should be placed where it is parallel with the direction of the airflow in the duct.

The Pitot Tube
Pitot tubes have been a mainstay in the air balancing profession for decades. Although the origin of the Pitot tube dates back more than 200 years, they are still widely used by air balancers today due to their rugged dependability. The Pitot tube is constructed of two tubes, with one inside the other. They typically range in length from 12” to 60” for use in a wide variety of duct sizes. The Pitot tube directly measures total pressure and static pressure. If both ports of the accessory are hooked to a manometer, velocity pressure will be directly displayed. Let’s look at the pressures capable of being measured with a Pitot tube.
Total Pressure
Total pressure is the combined pressure of static pressure and velocity pressure created from air moving through a duct system. The end of the Pitot tube, which is inserted into the airstream, has an opening that feeds total pressure into the inner tube. Total pressure is then capable of being read by attaching a hose to the opposite straight end of the Pitot tube and attaching it to a manometer.
The Inner Workings of a Pitot Tube
Static Pressure
Static Pressure is an outward pressure created as air moves through a duct system that is similar to blowing up a balloon. Static pressure enters the outer portion of the Pitot tube through a series of small openings drilled several inches back from the insertion end of the Pitot tube that are perpendicular to the airflow. Static pressure is then fed to the right angle port by traveling through the outer portion of the Pitot tube. When a hose is attached to the right angle end of the Pitot tube, static pressure will be read.
Velocity Pressure
Velocity Pressure is a moving pressure created by the force of air moving through a duct system that is similar to releasing the pressure from a balloon. Velocity pressure is what propels the balloon. Velocity pressure is not measured directly with the Pitot tube but is calculated by subtracting static pressure from total pressure. When a Pitot tube is inserted into the airstream and both ports of the Pitot tube are connected to a manometer, Velocity pressure will be displayed directly on the manometer. Velocity pressure can then be used to calculate air velocity in a duct system.
If you’ve never had the opportunity to experiment with a Pitot tube, I would highly recommend it. If you have never had the opportunity to use a static pressure tip, what are you waiting for? Today is the perfect day to start testing.


An air data computer (ADC) is an essential avionics component found in modern glass cockpits. This computer, rather than individual instruments, can determine the calibrated airspeed, Mach number, altitude, and altitude trend from input data from sensors such as an aircraft's pitot-static system, gyroscopes, GPS and accelerometers. In some very high speed aircraft such as the Space Shuttle, equivalent airspeed is calculated instead of calibrated airspeed.
Air data computers usually also have an input of total air temperature. This enables computation of static air temperature and true airspeed.
In Airbus aircraft the air data computer is combined with altitude, heading and navigation sources in a single unit known as the Air Data Inertial Reference Unit (ADIRU). This has now been replaced by Global Navigation Air Data Inertial Reference System (GNADIRS).


The Earth-Centered Inertial (ECI) Coordinate Frame
An Inertial coordinate frame is one that does NOT accelerate (rectilinearly) or change its orientation (wrt the
  •  All inertial sensors measure “inertial” motion.
  • Gyroscopes measure rate of change of inertial orientation
  • Accelerometers measure inertial acceleration.
The ECI frame will be referred to as the i-frame.
 The origin of the ECI frame is located at the center of mass of the Earth
  • The z-axis points along the nominal axis of rotation of the earth.
  • The x-axis lies in the equatorial plane and points from the Earth to the Sun at the vernal equinox
  • The y-axis is simply chosen to conform to a right hand coordinate system.

The Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF) Coordinate Frame:
  •  The ECEF coordinate frame is NOT an inertial frame.
  •  The ECEF coordinate frame is fixed with respect to the Earth.
  •  The ECEF frame will be referred to as the e-frame.
The ECEF coordinate frame is fixed with respect to the Earth.
The origin of the ECEF frame is located at the center of  mass of the Earth (same as ECI) 
  • The z-axis points along the nominal axis of rotation of the earth (same as ECI)
  • The x-axis lies at the intersection of the equatorial plane and the reference meridian plane (i.e. Greenwich meridian) Concept of latitude and longitude.
  • The y-axis is simply chosen to conform to a right hand coordinate system.

The Local Navigation (Nav) Coordinate Frame:
  • The Navigation coordinate frame is typically NOT fixed with respect to the Earth
  • The x/y axes lie in a plane which is locally-level or tangential to the Earth’s surface
  • The Navigation frame is sometimes called the goedetic, geographic, locally-level, or tangential frame
  • The Navigation frame will be referred to as the n-frame.
The Navigation coordinate frame moves with the vehicle of interest.
  • The origin of the Nav frame is located at the center of mass of the vehicle
  • The z-axis points “down” along the normal to the Earth’s surface
  • Approximately towards the center of the Earth
  • The x-axis points to the North pole
  • The y-axis is simply chosen to conform to a right hand coordinate system
  • This configuration is often referred to as a NED frame
  x   North, y   East, z   Down

The Body Coordinate Frame: 
  • The body coordinate frame is fixed with respect to the vehicle.
  • The body frame will be referred to as the b-frame.
  • The Body coordinate frame is attached to the vehicle of interest.

  •  The origin of the body frame is located at the center of  mass of the vehicle (same as the Nav frame).
  •  The x-axis points “forward” wrt the movin vehicle.
  •  The z-axis points loosely “down”.
  •  Changes with the roll/pitch of the vehicle.
  •  The y-axis is simply chosen to conform to a right hand coordinate system.

 Other Coordinate Frames: 
 Wander Azimuth Frame (alternative to the Nav frame)
 Does not always point North to avoid numerical stability problems near the poles
Other Locally level frames 
Tangential Frame 
 Typically, refers to another type of ECEF frame fixed to the
Earth’s surface (not moving like the n-frame)
 Computer Frame Virtual coordinate frame that represents where we think
that we are.

Monday 9 December 2013

Co-Ordinate Frames

This link is of the free software that provide the user to know the exact position of location with reference to the coordinate frames used to navigate the user by giving guidance. 

Software for Pitot Staic System

 This link is for the pitot static system sofware the user gives the pressure and temperature as an input and the software gives the outputs like air speed, speed of air, plane height and mach number etc. in GUI to the user.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Dancing Effect of Light Emitting Diodes (LED's)

There is an easy Dancing LED's circuit made by NE555 and CD4017. NE555 is using as an Astable multivibrator so that the clock pulses given as input for the CD4017, every pulse received at the clock input of CD4017, outputs 2,4,7,10,1,5,6,9 to Q9 of CD4017 goes high one after one respectively and alternatively. Light emitting diodes attached to these pins emit lights in the attracting manner to give a dancing LED's view. Velocity of dancing LED's depends upon the frequency of clock pulses produced by the NE555.

 Circuit Diagram of Dancing LED's

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Serving Humanity: Softwares

Serving Humanity: Softwares: This page will aid the users about the latest technological software's regarding many fields.